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Why You Should Combine Guarding With Electronic Security For More Comprehensive Protection

Why You Should Combine Guarding With Electronic Security For More Comprehensive Protection | Guardforce ThailandThailand, like many other countries, is experiencing a rapidly evolving security landscape. Traditional security guard services are no longer sufficient to keep up with new threats. In this blog, we will discuss why you should combine guarding with electronic security for more comprehensive protection. 

The role of physical guarding

The role of physical guarding is still a vital part of any security solution. Their visibility provides both a deterrent for criminal activity, and peace of mind to clients.

Moreover, they work in synergy with any electronic security measures in place. Though technology can perform certain tasks quicker and with more accuracy than a human, it is still critical to have human intuition and judgement in the process. As such, security guards in Thailand or anywhere must have had a thorough background check, and be well trained both in their standard duties, and the use of any technology in place.   

Enhancing protection with electronic security systems

As discussed above, manned security is still a crucial part of any security strategy. That said, there are limitations to what humans can do. Electronic security systems work to fill these gaps to enhance protection. Security companies such as Guardforce Thailand work closely with clients to offer a more comprehensive security solution, combining both highly-trained and vetted security guards, with cutting-edge electronic security measures. Working in synergy with manned security, CCTV cameras with facial recognition and advanced video analytics are employed to enhance situational awareness and provide real-time 24/7 monitoring capabilities. If any incident is detected, the system will alert the guards for immediate action. This combination of man and machine reduces the possibility of missing any problematic situation and can be implemented for a variety of uses, including access control, object tracking, license plate recognition, dwell and loitering, people counting, queue management, and demographics.

Learn more about Guardforce Thailand’s comprehensive security solutions

As we can see, combining physical security with electronic security creates a much more comprehensive security solution. Guardforce Thailand is an expert at tailoring security solutions to meet specific client needs by seamlessly blending highly-trained security staff with cutting-edge electronic security measures. This holistic method is undoubtably the future of security services and should be adopted by anyone who wants to keep on top of modern security threats. To learn more about Guardforce Thailand’s comprehensive security solutions, click here.

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