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How Technology Is Helping Security Guards

How Technology Is Helping Security Guards  | Guardforce Thailand BlogThe security guard industry is by nature very labour intensive. With increases in the minimum wage coupled with shortages in manpower, it is increasingly costly and difficult to maintain an effective level of service, and, in the end, it is the customer who inevitably suffers the consequences. And even in cases where enough security guards are posted, there are always human limitations to consider. Guards can only be in one place at a time and tiredness, human error and negligence can always creep in. Humans don’t operate well or can’t operate at all in poor lighting, adverse weather or dangerous environments. Thankfully, there are tech solutions that can help mitigate these issues while providing a great ROI. In this blog, we will take a closer look at how technology is helping security guards.

Security cameras/CCTV

Security cameras/CCTV are an effective method of monitoring more areas than human security guards can possibly cover themselves. They can record 24/7 and view all angles with a fixed one-off cost. These days, companies such as Guardforce Thailand, offer security cameras with various high-tech features including facial recognition, artificial intelligence, panoramic view and night vision to augment the human security guards on patrol. Cameras can be programmed to allow instant identification of objects and faces and the related action will be granted. Images and recordings can also be searched anytime in case there is any incident.

Artificial intelligence (AI)

AI is developing fast and can be found in more and more technology that we use. Integrating AI into security solutions is also helping security personnel read and analyse data faster and more easily as well as to make intelligent recognition of threats based on pre-set parameters. AI makes a security camera into much more than passive surveillance device.


Just like AI, the area of security robotics is also advancing quickly. Guardforce Thailand, for instance, has developed a mobile patrol robot equipped with facial recognition which operates 24/7 and is a popular option to partner with human security guards to ensure optimal environmental monitoring. It can perform in odd hours, and depending on the configuration, in adverse light and weather conditions. Robotics are also ideal for taking over any tedious or repetitive jobs from the human staff.

Patrol Robot | Guardforce Thailand


Last but not least, drones are an excellent choice to cover large areas or events, providing an eye in the sky for the human security guards. As with all the security tech listed, it is essential that the guards using these devices are well-trained for them to be effective.

Learn more about Guardforce Thailand’s security solutions

Though there will always been the need for human security guards with their experience and judgement, technology can be invaluable in helping to plug the gaps in manpower and human limitations. Guardforce Thailand is a trusted security solutions provider offering both reliable, well-trained human security guards as well as the technology needed to make the operation even more effective with less costs (and headaches!). To learn more, click here.

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