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5 Ways To Reduce Security Guard Costs

5 Ways To Reduce Security Guard Costs | Guardforce Thailand

The costs associated with the minimum wage coupled with the high turnover rate of security guards in Thailand make it difficult to recruit reliable and experienced staff. In fact, it has become very costly to find and keep hold of good quality security guards both in Thailand and globally. Physical guards are the most expensive part of any security system if more than one is needed, and these costs have to be passed down to the customers who end up paying more and more for the same quality of service.  Using physical security guards may therefore not be the most cost-effective solution now, so in this blog, we will look at 5 ways to reduce security guard costs.

Shortfalls of using traditional security guards

Before we look at how to reduce costs, let’s first identify some of the shortfalls of using traditional security guards.

  • High cost not only for salaries but other benefits such as pensions and other allowances. The more security staff you need, the more you have to pay.
  • Quality may vary depending on the training, experience, personality, physical limitation, and expectations of an individual.
  • May not be able to identify real-time incidents occurring if they are out of sight of the guard. Blind spots are always a threat, especially if there is a limited number of guards on duty.
  • Risk of fatigue during duty and absences due to sickness or other reasons.

5 ways to reduce security guard costs

So now we have seen the shortfalls of traditional security guards, let’s look at 5 ways security guard costs can be reduced.

1. Using an electronic alarm system

Electronic alarm systems are invaluable to reduce the number of guards needed on patrol, especially during odd hours. They also work to mitigate some of the issues of blind spots which are always a threat. Simply set the security parameter and once triggered, an alert can be sent to security staff to immediately investigate the incident. 

2. Installing CCTV

By installing CCTV cameras, users can view a real-time livestream of what is happening in the area under surveillance.  This is far more efficient than having physical guards patrolling as there will be time gaps in the patrol routes.  All images can be fed into the guard post or control room for constant monitoring, saving a great deal of manpower, time and workload for guards. CCTV can also be used adverse weather conditions or remote outdoor areas which is difficult for human staff.  If installed with features such as facial recognition or A.I., CCTV can perform additional functions including fast trace, access control or tailor-made security measures for overall better security management.

3. Using a smart visitor management system

By automating the whole visitor management system using technology, visitor information and photos can be captured and uploaded to the system then this information is immediately sent to the company or residence the visitor intends to visit. Approval (or not) is sent back to the guard post to grant (or not grant) access. The whole process both simplifies and enhances security and the user experience. This means less manual admin work is needed for the security guards, so they can spend more time doing other tasks, saving man hours and thus the number of security guards required.

4. Utilizing robots

There now exist a number of different robots that can replace and assist humans, including patrol robots, disinfection robots, etc. Patrol robots, for instance, can have CCTV installed which, when linked to a control room, means the robot can perform a similar function as a physical guard at less recurring cost and with more consistency and reliability, especially during odd hours or in adverse conditions.

Patrol Robot | Guardforce Thailand

5. Installing an emergency button

Installing an emergency button, such as Guardforce Thailand’s Smart Call-Point is an ideal solution for large, quiet locations, such as car parks. Anyone in need can immediately alert the guard post for help, again reducing the need for so many guards on constant patrol.

emergency call point | Guardforce Thailand

In conclusion, electronic security systems and the use of technology can help reduce the cost of security guards and provide a more efficient solution for users.  However, this does not mean we can totally replace humans as we still need security guards to make decisions and use good judgement in case of any incidents. In fact, electronic security systems work in harmony with human guards to actually help relieve some of the pressure of the job. When budgets are limited, it is always best to choose the optimal combination of the two to suit your needs.

Learn more about Guardforce Thailand’s electronic security solutions

By depending less on physical security guards and relying more on CCTV cameras and other electronic systems, end users can enjoy higher quality, smarter protection while reducing costs in the long run. To learn more about Guardforce Thailand’s electronic security solutions, click here.

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